Adobe photoshop CS3 part 2

Adobe photoshop CS3 part 2

01. State whether True or False:
You cannot arrange the stacking order of the Auto slices.
a. True (ANSWER)
b. False
02. State whether True or False:
A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color in
Adobe applications.

a. True
b. False (ANSWER)
03. State whether True or False:
The Out Of Gamut option works only on RGB and Lab images.
a. True (ANSWER)
b. False
04. State whether True or False:
The mask created by the Replace Color command is permanent.
a. True
b. False (ANSWER)
05. State whether True or False:
Changing units on the Info Palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.
a. True (ANSWER)
b. False
06. State whether True or False:
You cannot create Work paths from the fonts that do not include the outline data.
a. True (ANSWER)
b. False
07. State whether True or False:
You cannot change the order of the Vector masks or working paths in the Paths palette.
a. True
b. False (ANSWER)
08. Color Dodge, Color Burn, Lighten, Darken, Difference, and Exclusion blending modes
does not work on Lab images.

a. True
09. The Healing Brush Tool cannot be applied to video or animation frames.
b. False
10. You cannot create Work paths from the fonts that do not include the outline data
a. True
11. Variable names contain spaces and special characters
a. True
12. You cannot transform the background layer
a. True
13. The Match Color command works only in the RGB modes.
a. True
14. Video layers do not work in the Frame mode.
a. True
25. Hanging Punctuation control the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific

a. True

16. Photoshop supports a maximum pixel dimension of 300,000 by 300,000 pixels per

a. True

17. When you create a new image with the transparent content, the image does not have a
background layer.

a. True

18. Changing units on the info palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.

a. True

19. You cannot transform the background color.

a. True.

20. The mask created by the Replace Color command is permanent.

b. False

22. A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color In Adobe

a. True

23. You cannot arrange the stacking order of the Auto Slices
a. True

24. Hanging Punctuation controls the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific paragraph.


25. Changing units on the Info Palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.


26. By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are linked to Smart object layers. .

27. A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color in Adobe applications.

28paths in the Paths palette.


110. The Out Of Gamut option works only on RGB and Lab images


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